I/We wish to join the Mid-Norfolk Gundog Club. I/We agree to abide by the Rules and Regulations of the Club. The Rules and Regulations are contained in the Club’s Constitution (a copy can be obtained from the Secretary).
Please complete the following:
*=required field.
Membership is renewable on 1 st September. Fees and subscriptions are:
To provide a clear understanding of your interests and the composition of our membership we would be grateful if you could answer the following optional questions:
Main areas of interest:
* Note : Members become eligible for first preference in FT draws in the second year of their membership
If you are joining for training:
What do you want your gundog to do:
Which type(s) of shooting do you participate in?
Are you a member of:
We are delighted to receive sponsorship and support from, or to be associated with, the organisations below.
Click on the logos to visit their websites.